Beyond my blog, I also offer to companies and individuals my services of Community Manager and Filled Web.
Web From 100 0
Between articles, novels and theses, I write from morning to night and adapt easily to the media and type of content requested (short articles, background articles, etc.). What I propose:
🐾 Writing articles for your website in accordance with the editorial line.
🐾 Creating or searching for suitable visuals for each item if necessary.
🐾 Article translation from English to French or from French to English.
🐾 Promotion of articles via social networks.
Community Manager
Passionate about social networks, I suggest you manage your online presence for you, whether on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. What I can do:
🐾 Create visuals in accordance with the editorial line and graphic charter of your site/company.
🐾 Analyze your audience to find out the best timetable to post and gain visibility.
🐾 Engage and connect with your communities on the various networks in order to retain it.